2016 Bank Holidays

Here is the official list of the bank holidays for the year 2016 in France.

Bank Holidays for 2016

2016 Bank Holidays
1st of January
New year
28th of Mars
Easter Monday
1st of May
Labor day
5th of May
8th of May
Victory day (1945)
16th of May
Whit Monday
14th of July
National holiday
15th of August
1st of November
All saints day
11th of November
Armistice (1918)
25th of December
Christmas day

The 1st of May is the only statutory bank holiday. Work on this day is only allowed in some companies where the activity cannot be stopped (hospitals, public transportation, …)

Other bank holiday can exist in specific region and/or activities. This is the case in Alsace and Moselle.

Employees can work on a bank holiday other than the 1st of May. The law doesn’t indicate any salary increase for a worked bank holiday. However, collective bargaining agreement and other collective accords can state otherwise.

Public Services: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/actualites/A10270



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